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School of Computer and Information Science, School of Software Holds Mobilization Meeting for Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Release time:2023-04-28 clicks:

According to the deployment and requirements of the school party committee, as well as the arrangement of the work plan for the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era by the School of Computer and Information Science and the School of Software, the mobilization meeting for the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era was held in the multifunctional hall of the Comprehensive Building on the Feicui Lake Campus on the afternoon of April 26. Yan Fuping, deputy leader of the school's theme education inspection and guidance team and leader of the second inspection team, attended and gave guidance speech, and Nian Yongqi, secretary of the college party committee, presided over the meeting.

Nian Yongqi delivered a mobilization speech on behalf of the college party committee, elaborating on the specific content and requirements of the college's theme education work plan. He pointed out that the college's leaders and party members should deeply understand the significance of carrying out theme education and unify their thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the central and school party committees. It is necessary to fully recognize that carrying out theme education is an urgent need to accelerate the construction of an education power, a major deployment to promote the new era of party building, and an urgent need to accelerate the reform, development, and stability of the college. It is necessary to consistently implement the general requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new achievements", and strive to continuously promote the reform and development of the college. It is necessary to firmly grasp the goals and tasks of theme education, and integrate theoretical learning, investigation and research, promoting development, and reviewing and rectifying throughout the whole process, in order to promote the implementation of various tasks of theme education.

Nian Yongqi emphasized that the theme education should be highly valued by all party branches in the college, and a sense of responsibility and urgency should be effectively enhanced. The theme education should be regarded as a major political task, carefully organized, well arranged, and orderly promoted, so as to promote the comprehensive progress of the college's party building and career development through solid theme education, and further promote the connotative development and first-class discipline construction of the college.

Yan Fuping delivered a guiding speech, fully affirmed the mobilization and deployment of the college party committee for this theme education, and put forward four requirements on behalf of the school's theme education inspection and guidance group: First, improve political position, deeply understand the importance of carrying out theme education, constantly enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of carrying out theme education, have a deeper understanding of the decisive significance of "two consolidations", consciously enhance the "four consciousnesses", firm "four confidences", and "two safeguards". Second, accurately grasp the general requirements and objectives of theme education, learning ideology is the foundation, strengthening party character is the key, focusing on practice is the focus, and achieving new achievements is the starting point. We should carry out theme education in a solid manner, promote the party building and career development of the college, and promote the grand blueprint of building an internationally renowned research-oriented high-level university and a number of world-class disciplines step by step. Third, we should effectively improve the ability level of combining theme education with practical work, promote the combination of theme education and the implementation of key work in the college, and through theme education, adhere to the original intention of moral education, fulfill the mission of cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, and ensure the realization of the general requirements and objectives of theme education. Fourth, we should persistently transform the work style. The college party committee should resolutely shoulder the main responsibility, firmly implement the rules on the front line, leading cadres should take the lead in moving to the front line of management, teacher party members should consciously adhere to the front line of education, based on their positions, take responsibility, and unite and lead teachers, students, and staff to do a good job in the college's work and fulfill their own responsibilities.

Members of the college leadership team, party committee members, all party branch secretaries, and representatives of teacher and student party members attended the meeting.