
Doctoral supervisor

Jieqing Tan

Release time:2020-05-27 clicks:


姓      名 檀结庆 性      别
出生年月 1962-10 最终学位
毕业学校 西安交通大学、百富策略bfball手机版、吉林大学

从事专业 计算机应用、计算数学 职务 应用数学研究所所长、校国际合作与交流处处长
所属院系 计算机科学与技术系

所在部门 计算机应用技术研究所 职称 教授



邮编 230009


1980-1984 西安交通大学数学系计算数学专业本科

1984-1987 百富策略bfball手机版数力系计算数学专业硕士生
1987-1990 吉林大学数学系计算数学专业博士生
1992-1993 联邦德国Dortmund大学数学系博士后
1995-1996 比利时Antwerp大学数学与计算机科学系从事合作研究
1999年4月至7月 比利时Antwerp大学数学与计算机科学系做访问教授
2003年8月在加拿大St. Francis Xavier大学数学与计算机科学系做访问教授
2005年12月-2006年3月 美国Delaware州立大学应用数学研究中心做访问教授。
国际学术杂志《Journal of Information and Computational Science》编委
国际学术杂志《Punjab University Journal of Mathematics》编委
《Mathematical Research & Exposition》编委






数学分析 (校精品课程)、高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计、计算方法、数值分析(国家双语教学示范课程)




《Newton-Thiele’s Rational Interpolants》获安徽省第四届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,2003年11月
《On the finite sum representation of the Lauricella functions FD》获安徽省第五届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2006年12月.


82. Ping Zhou, Annie Cuyt, Jieqing Tan, General order multivariate Padé approximants for Pseudo-multivariate functions. II, Math. Comp. 78 (2009), 2137-2155.
81. Zhang Li, Wu Hongyi, Tan Jieqing, Dual basis functions for the NS-power basis and their applications,Applied Mathematics and Computation,207(2)2009,434-441.
80. Zhang Li, Tan Jieqing, Wu Hongyi, Liu Zhi, The weighted dual functions for Wang-Bézier type generalized Ball bases and their applications, Applied Mathematics and Computation,215(1)2009,22-36.
79. Zhang Li, Wu Hongyi, Tan Jieqing, Dual bases for Wang-Bézier basis and their applications, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 214(1)2009,218-227.
78. 檀结庆、王燕、李志明,三次H-Bezier曲线的分割、拼接及其应用,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,21(5) (2009), 584-588。
77. 谢进、檀结庆,多形状参数的二次双曲多项式曲线,中国图象图形学报,14(6)(2009),1206-1211.
76. 霍星、檀结庆,利用特征向量的三维模型检索,工程图学学报,30(3) (2009), 76-79.
75. 彭凯军、檀结庆,伪多元函数的Pade型逼近,系统科学与数学,29(7),2009,971-979.
74. 檀结庆、方中海,区间Wang-Said型广义Ball曲线的降阶,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,20(11) (2008), 1483-1493
73. Zhang Li, Tan Jieqing, Liu Zhi, Polynomial approximations of offsets and rational surfaces by using bivariate S-power basis, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 4(4)(2008), 1679-1686.
72. XingYan,Tan Jieqing, Hong Peilin, Quaternion Julia fractals, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, ICYCS 2008, 797-802.
71. 张莉、檀结庆、刘植,采用分割算法的Bezier曲线的S幂基降多阶逼近,工程图学学报,29(6) (2008), 80-85.
70. 谢成军、檀结庆,一种改进的基于样本块的图像修补方法,系统仿真学报,20(10)(2008),2606-2608+2673
69. 李志明、檀结庆,有理三次样条的误差分析及空间闭曲线插值,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,20(7) (2008), 876-881
68. 邢燕,檀结庆,最小二乘支持向量机及其在数字水印中的应用,仪器仪表学报(增刊),28(8)(2007),356-361.
67. Zhang Li, Tan Jieqing, Liu Zhi, Polynomial approximations of offsets and rational surfaces by using bivariate S-power basis, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 4(4)(2008), 1679-1686.
66. 李声锋、檀结庆、谢成军、李 璐,基于Thiele连分式逼近的四阶迭代公式,中国科学技术大学学报,38(2),2008,138-140。
65. Jieqing Tan, Ping Jiang, Marr-type wavelets of high vanishing moments, Applied Mathematics Letters, 20(2007)1115-1121.
64. Min Hu, Jieqing Tan, Qianjin Zhao, Adaptive rational image interpolation based on local gradient features, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 4(1)2007, 59-67.
63. Benyue Su and Jieqing Tan, Circular Trigonometric Hermite Interpolation Polynomials and Applications, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 4(2)(2007), 709-720.
62. B.Y. Su, J.Q. Tan, Sweeping surface generated by a class of generalized quasi-cubic interpolation spline, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2007, 4488, 41-48.
61. Qiang Wang, Jieqing Tan, Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on rational spline, Proceedings of 2007 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Eds. Guoping Wang, Hua Li, Hongbin Zha and Bingfeng Zhou, IEEE Press, 225-229
60. Xing Huo, Jieqing Tan, Rujing Wang, Color transfer based on combining subtractive clustering with FCM clustering, Proceedings of 2007 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Eds. Guoping Wang, Hua Li, Hongbin Zha and Bingfeng Zhou, IEEE Press, 461-464.
59. Qianjin Zhao, Jieqing Tan, Block based bivariate blending rational interpolation via symmetric branched continued fractions, Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese Universities (English Series), 16(1), 63-73, 2007.
58. Yan Xing and Jieqing Tan, A color watermarking scheme based on block-SVD and Arnold transformation, Proceedings of Second Workshop on Digital Media and its Application in Museum & Heritage, Eds. Zhigeng Pan, Jinyuan Jia, IEEE Computer Society, 2007,3-8.
57. Li Zhang, Jieqing Tan, Zhi Liu, Rational approximation of offset surfaces by using bivariate S-power basis, Proceedings of Second Workshop on Digital Media and its Application in Museum & Heritage, Eds. Zhigeng Pan, Jinyuan Jia, IEEE Computer Society, 2007,152-157.
56. 王强、檀结庆、胡敏,基于有理样条的图像缩放算法,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,19(10)(2007),1348-1351.
55. Annie Cuyt, Jieqing Tan, Ping Zhou, General order multivariate Padé approximants for pseudo-multivariate functions, Math. Comp. 75 (2006), 727-741.
54. Qianjin Zhao and Jieqing Tan, Block based Thiele-like blending rational interpolation. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 195(2006) 312-325.
53. Min Hu and Jieqing Tan, Adaptive osculatory rational interpolation for image processing. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 195(2006) 46-53.
52. Benyue Su, Jieqing Tan, Geometric modeling for interpolation surfaces based on blended coordinate system, LNCS 4270, 222-231,2006.
51. Qianjin Zhao and Jieqing Tan, Block Based Newton-like Blending Interpolation, J. Comput. Math., 24 (4) (2006): 515-526.
50. Su Ben-yue, Tan Jie-qing, A family of quasi-cubic blended splines and applications, J. Zhejiang Univ. SCIENCE A, 7(9)(2006) 1550-1560.
49. Qiang Wang and Jieqing Tan, Shape preserving piecewise rational biquartic surfaces, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 3(2)(2006),295-302.
48. Ping Jiang and Jieqing Tan, The Subdivision Algorithm for the Generalized Ball Curves, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 3(1)(2006),21-31.
47. Qianjin Zhao and Jieqing Tan, Block based Lagrange-Thiele-like blending rational interpolation, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 3(1)(2006),167-177.
46. 檀结庆、江平,区间Ball曲线的边界及降阶,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,18(3)(2006)378-384.
45. 赵前进、胡敏、檀结庆,基于局部梯度特征的自适应多结点样条函数插值,计算机研究与发展,43(9)2006,1537-1542.
44. 江平,檀结庆, Wang-Said 型广义Ball曲线的降阶,软件学报,Vol.17 (Suppl)(2006),93-102.
43. Ping Jiang, Hongyi Wu, Jieqing Tan, The dual functionals for the generalized Ball basis of Wang-Said type and basis transformation formulas, Numer. Math. A J. Chin.Univ., 15(3)2006, 248-256.
42. 赵前进、胡敏、檀结庆,图像插值的多结点样条技术,中国图象图形学报,11(5)(2006)667-671.
41. Min Hu, Jieqing Tan, Feng Xue, A New Approach to the Image Resizing Using Interpolating Rational-Linear Splines by Continued Fractions, Journal of Information & Computational Science,2(4)(2005), 681-685.
40. Xing Huo and Jieqing Tan, Bivariate rational interpolant in image inpainting, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 2(3)(2005),487-492.
39. Jieqing Tan and Benyue Su, A class of generalized trigonometric polynomial curves with a shape parameter, In: Proceedings of International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2005, pp. 523-526, T.E.Simos,G.Psihoyios,Ch.Tsitouras Eds., Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA, Weinheim, 2005.
38. Jieqing Tan and Qianjin Zhao, Successive Newton-Thiele’s rational Interpolation, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 2(2)(2005),295-301.
37. Jieqing Tan and Ping Zhou, On the finite sum representations of the Lauricella functions F-D, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 23(4)(2005), 333-351.
36. Ping Jiang and Jieqing Tan, Degree reduction of disk Said-Ball curves, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 1(3)2005,389-398.
35. Qiang Wang and Jieqing Tan, Rational quartic spline involving shape parameters, Journal of Information & Computational Science, 1(1)2004, 131-134.  
34. Jieqing Tan and Ping Jiang, A Neville-like method via continued fractions, J. Comp. Appl. Math .. 163(1)(2004), 219-232.
33. Huanxi Zhao, Gongqin Zhu and Jieqing Tan, A Sleszynski-Pringsheim theorem for vector valued continued fractions and its optimal error bounds, J. Comp. Appl. Math..163(1)(2004),343-350
32. Min Hu and Jieqing Tan, Image reconstruction from regular and non-regular point sets based on multivariate blending rational interpolation, in: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on CAD/Graphics, Enhua Wu,Hanqiu Sun and Dongxu Qi Eds. , Welfare Printing Limited, Macau (2003)335-336.(ISTP收录)
31. Jieqing Tan, Computation of vector valued blending rational interpolation. Numer. Math. A J. Chinese Univ.,12(1) (2003), 91-98.
30. Min Hu and Jieqing Tan, Image compression and reconstruction based on bivariate Interpolation by continued fractions, Proceedings of Second International Coference on Image and Graphics, Wei Sui ed., SPIE Vol. 4875 (2002) 87-92.
29. Jieqing Tan and Shuo Tang, Algorithms of composite rational interpolation based on continued fractions, Proceedings of the First International Congress of Mathematical Software, Arjeh M. Cohen, Xiao-Shan Gao, Nobuki Takayama eds., World Scientific, New Jersey・London・Singapore・Hong Kong, 2002,72-81.
28. Jieqing Tan, Baorui Song and Gongqin Zhu, Vector valued rational interpolants over triangular grids, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 44(10-11)(2002), 1357-1367.
27. Jieqing Tan and Shuo Tang, Composite schemes for multivariate blending rational interpolation, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 144(1-2)(2002), 263-275.
26. Jieqing Tan, The limiting case of Thiele’s interpolating continued fraction expansion, J. Comput. Math., 19(4)2001, 433-444.
25. Jieqing Tan and Xiaoping Liu, Rational surfaces approximately reconstructed by continued fractions, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Kunming, China, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 2001.
24. Jieqing Tan, A compact determinantal representation for inverse differences, 数学研究与评论, 20(1) 2000,32―36.
23. 朱功勤、檀结庆、王洪燕,预给极点的向量有理插值及性质,高校计算数学学报,22(2)2000,97―104。
22. Jieqing Tan and Yi Fang,Newton-Thiele’s rational interpolants, Numerical Algorithms, 24(2000), 141-157.
21. Jieqing Tan and Shuo Tang, Bivariate composite vector valued rational interpolation, Mathematics of Computation, 69(2000), 1521--1532..
20. Gongqin Zhu and Jieqing Tan , A note on matrix valued rational interpolants, J. Comp. Appl. Math.,110 (1999), 129―140.
19. Cuyt, K. Driver, J. Tan and B. Verdonk, Exploring multivariate Pade approximants for multiple hypergeometric series. Advances in Comput. Math. 10(1999) 29-49.
18. Jieqing Tan, Bivariate rational interpolants with rectangle-hole structure, J. Comput. Math. 17(1)(1999)1-14.
17. Cuyt, K. Driver, J. Tan and B. Verdonk, A finite sum representation of the Appell series F (a,b,b;c;x,y), J. Comput. Appl. Math., 105(1999) 213-219.
16. Jieqing Tan, Bivariate blending rational interpolants, Approximation Theory and Its Application. 15(2) (1999) 74-83.
15. Jieqing Tan and Yi Fang, General frames for bivariate interpolation, 数学研究与评论, 19(4) 1999,681―687.
14. Jieqing Tan, Algorithms for lacunary vector valued rational interpolants, Numer. Math. A J. Chin. Univ., 7(2)(1998), 169-182.
13. Jieqing Tan, Interpolating rational splines in three dimensional space, 数学研究与评 论,18(2) (1998), 181-187.
12. Jieqing Tan and Gongqin. Zhu, General framework for vector valued interpolants, in: Proceedings of Third China-Japan Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, Zhong-Ci Shi ed., Science Press, Beijing/New York (1998) 273-278.
11. Jieqing Tan and Shuo Tang, Vector valued rational interpolants by triple branched continued fractions, Appl. Math. -JCU., 12 B(1)(1997), 99-108.
10. Jieqing Tan and Shuo Tang, An algorithm for vector valued rational interpolants by triple branched continued fractions, Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl. , 19(1)(1997),59-63.
9. Shuo Tang, Jieqing Tan and Gongqin Zhu, On the choices of accelerating convergence factors for limit periodic continued fraction K(an/1), Numer. Math. A J.Chin.Univ., 5(1)(1996), 62-70.
8. 檀结庆、朱功勤,二元向量值分叉连分式插值的矩阵算法,高校计算数学学报, 18(3)(1996), 250-254.
7. Jieqing Tan, Interpolating multivariate rational splines in R , Numer. Math. A J. Chin. Univ., 4(2)(1995), 185-192.
6. Jieqing Tan and Gongqin Zhu, A few constructions of generalized rational splines, 数学研究与评论, 15(4)(1995) ,485-498.
5. Jieqing Tan and Gongqin Zhu, Bivariate vector valued rational interpolants by branched continued fractions, Numer. Math. A. J. Chin. Univ., 4(1) (1995), 37―43.
4. Gongqin Zhu and Jieqing Tan, The duality of vector valued rational interpolants over rectangular grids, Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl., 17(4)(1995), 75-84.
3. 朱功勤、檀结庆,矩形网格上二元向量有理插值的对偶性, 计算数学, 17(3)(1995), 311-320.
2. Renhong Wang and Jieqing Tan, On interpolating multivariate rational splines, Appl. Numer. Math., 12(1993), 357-372.
1. Jieqing Tan, Interpolating multivariate rational splines of special forms, 数学研究与评论, 13(1)(1993), 73-78.