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2023 Work Arrangement for the Second Round of Undergraduate Major Transfer within the School of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Release time:2023-10-08 clicks:

To carry out the selection work for undergraduate major transfer in our college, according to the relevant provisions of the 'Interim Measures for Undergraduate Major Transfer within Hefei University of Technology', and combined with the actual situation of our college, the second round of work arrangement for undergraduate major transfer within the School of Computer and Information in 2023 is as follows:

I. Organizational Structure and Responsibilities

The college has set up a working group, led by the vice dean in charge of teaching, with three department heads as members. The working group is responsible for leading and supervising the entire major transfer process; determining the list of members for each interview group; reviewing the results of each major interview group, and determining the list of prospective transfer students to be accepted.

The interview group has one leader and should not have less than four members in principle, who are teachers with strong responsibility, rich teaching experience, and associate professor or higher titles. The interview group mainly examines students' basic knowledge, comprehensive ability and quality in the prospective major field, as well as the learning situation of the courses they have taken.

II. Assessment Form and Score Evaluation

The assessment is conducted in the form of an interview, and students are ranked according to their total scores. The calculation method of the total score of students is as follows:

Total score of students = Converted score of relative ranking in original major + Interview score

Among them,

1. The relative ranking of the original major is converted into a score (greater than or equal to 60 points, less than or equal to 100 points). The specific conversion method is as follows:

(1) If the relative ranking of the major is 30%, the converted score is 60 points.

(2) If the relative ranking of the major is 1%, the converted score is 98.7 points.

(3) Others are calculated in the same way, the formula is: Converted score = 100 - 40 * (student's original major relative ranking / 30%)

2. The full score of the interview is 100 points, and the minimum score is 0 points.

III. Interview Arrangement

The interview is divided into three groups, the specific arrangements are as follows:

First group: Computer Science and Technology group. Interview time: October 11, 2023 (Wednesday) 15:00, location: Jade Science and Education Building A706.

Second group: Information Security group. Interview time: October 11, 2023 (Wednesday) 15:00, location: Jade Science and Education Building A1104.

Third group: Intelligent Science and Technology group. Interview time: October 11, 2023 (Wednesday) 14:00, location: Jade Science and Education Building A804.

Students who apply to transfer to the above majors in the School of Computer and Information Science should check the designated time and wait at the interview location ten minutes in advance.


1) Those who do not participate in the interview on time will be deemed to have given up their qualification for major transfer.

2) For related questions, please consult Teacher Ding: 62901381.