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Notice on Conducting the 'Red Leaves Know Autumn, Beautiful Hefei University of Technology' New Media Works Competition in the School of Computer Science and Information Engineering

Release time:2023-09-28 clicks:

To further enrich campus cultural life, create a positive, diverse, elegant, and healthy cultural atmosphere, and provide a platform for students to showcase themselves, it has been decided to hold the 'Red Leaves Know Autumn, Beautiful Hefei University of Technology' New Media Works Competition in the School of Computer and Information (Artificial Intelligence College). The specific notice is as follows:

I. Competition Theme

Red Leaves Know Autumn, Beautiful Hefei University of Technology

II. Participants

All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the School of Computer and Information.

III. Competition Content and Rules

1. Micro-film and Micro-video Category

(1) The types of entries include story films, documentaries, animations, film and television reviews, and film and television literary scripts.

(2) The competition is in team format, with each team limited to 5 members. There is no limit to the number of teams each participant can join.

(3) The entries should have clear images, and the files should be in avi, mov, mp4, mpg, etc. formats. They should meet the standard requirements of 720p, 1080p, 2k, 4k, and have Chinese subtitles.

(4) Film and television reviews refer to reviews of movies, TV shows, variety shows, and film and television phenomena. There is no limit to the film selection, but the review should not be less than 600 words. The text duplication rate should not exceed 15%, and it should not have been published publicly.

(5) Film and television literary scripts are limited to Chinese literary scripts, which must have a complete script framework, length, and form. The uploaded script should include a title page, story outline, character introduction, and script text. There is no word limit.

(6) Each team must have a guiding teacher, and the number of guiding teachers should not exceed 3.

(7) To achieve better display effects, it is recommended that participants provide a micro-film promotional poster. The specifications are 310px×220px (width×height, landscape), and the file should be in jpg/png format.

2. Photography Category

Reflect on the development of our motherland and seek the beauty of the campus. The submitted works should be positive, and the composition of the works should be a photo series, with each theme limited to 5-8 photos per piece. There are no restrictions on shooting techniques and post-processing; you can participate as an individual, and there is no requirement for a mentor.

3. Vlog Category

Create a short video diary of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays in the form of a Vlog. The content should be positive, and the beauty of our country's development should be sought through recording. There are no restrictions on video editing techniques, and creative shooting and editing are encouraged. The video length is recommended to be 2-5 minutes; you can participate as an individual, and there is no requirement for a mentor.

IV. Competition Rules

1. Scoring Criteria

(1) Theme: The work should closely follow the theme, be original, have a clear storyline, be full of content, positive, and reflect a certain spirit.

(2) Creativity: The work should have unique creative taste, novel shooting techniques, fresh plot arrangement, clear expression angle, and deeply reflect the theme from a special angle.

(3) Audio-visual effects: The picture should be beautiful, vivid, clear, well-composed, and stable. The color matching should be harmonious, without too bright or too dark shots. The dubbing should be beautiful, clear, corresponding to the theme, and the sound and image should be coordinated and expressive.

(4) Technical application: The subtitles should be accurate, and the production technology should be cleverly applied, with accurate picture editing.

2. Competition Instructions

(1) Participants guarantee the copyright of their entries, and the music or other works used in the entries have obtained legal authorization. The entries do not involve infringement of others' rights such as portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, copyright, trademark rights, etc. If disputes arise from the aforementioned rights, the participants will handle them themselves. All legal responsibilities arising from this will be borne by the participants themselves. The college rejects any works that may contradict national laws and cultural policies.

(2) For outstanding micro-film and micro-video works, the college will nominate them to participate in the 2023 Anhui Province University Student Micro-film Competition.

(3) Once all entries are submitted, it is deemed to grant the college the right to display them for free, and agree that the college will use the images of the entries for the publicity activities of this competition and subsequent related exhibitions and submissions, including being reported by news media, making promotional albums, books, TV, internet, mobile media and other new media special promotional exhibitions.

(4) All entries' copyrights belong to the participants, and participants need to agree to the college's free use of the entries.

(5) If conflicts arise due to the use of the entries by third parties (excluding authorized partners), the participants themselves are responsible for handling and assuming all responsibilities.

(6) Each work needs to fill in a 200-word introduction (fill in the 'Competition Registration Form').

V. Submission of Works

1. Submission of Works

All participating students need to package their works and 'Attachment 1: Competition Registration Form' and send them to the designated email 2056486152@qq.com before October 15, 2023. The subject of the email should be 'New Media Works Competition-Participation Type (Micro-film Category/Photography Category/Vlog Category)-Name-Major-Student ID'. When filling in the specific information on the registration form for team participation, please fill in the information of the first participant, and the major should be the full name of the participant's major.

2. Naming Requirements

(1) Micro-film and Micro-video Category: The registration form and works should be named 'Work Type (Story Film/Documentary/Animation/Film and Television Review/Film and Television Literature Script)-Work Name'.

(2) Photography Category: The work registration form should be named 'Work Name', and the works should be named in order as 'Total Number of Group Photos-Order', such as '3-1' '3-2' '3-3'.

(3) Vlog Category: The registration form and works should be named 'Work Name'.

VI. Awards

The competition will be judged based on the actual number of submitted works. It is expected that the first, second, and third prizes will be 15%, 20%, and 30% of the total number of works, respectively, and the rest will be excellent awards. The specific review situation will be reasonably adjusted according to the quality of the works. All award-winning results will be entered into the relevant modules of the second classroom, and the winners will be awarded grade certificates.

VII. Contact Information

Contact Person: Teacher Xue

Contact Number: 0551-62901390

Contact Person: Weng Yishun

QQ: 916831084