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Notice on Carrying out the 'Computer and Information College: Farewell Memories and Gratitude to Aid the Journey' Series of Educational Activities

Release time:2023-08-28 clicks:

To advocate for freshmen to express their gratitude before leaving home, and to guide freshmen to adapt to the new stage of study and life, according to the requirements of the Party Committee Student Work Department (Office) 'Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Admission Education Work of the 2023 Undergraduates in Hefei Campus', the college has decided to carry out the 'Computer Memory Farewell Warmth, Gratitude Helps Dream Voyage' series of educational activities. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

I. Activity Theme: 'Computer Memory Farewell Warmth, Gratitude Helps Dream Voyage'

II. Activity Time: August 28, 2023 - September 10, 2023

III. Activity Participants: All freshmen and their parents of the 2023 class of the School of Computer and Information (School of Artificial Intelligence)

IV. Activity Content

(1) Freshmen express their gratitude for their parents' upbringing by writing letters:

1. The participating works take 'A Letter to Home' as the creative theme, guarantee originality, and must not plagiarize;

2. The title of the work is self-determined, the word count requirement is more than 800 words, the theme is clear, the content is real, the language is fluent, and it has true feelings;

3. The format of the article is unified: the title is in bold Songti No. 2 centered, the main text is Songti No. 4, the first line is indented by two characters, and the line spacing is single.

In order to advocate for freshmen to express their gratitude before leaving home, and to guide freshmen to adapt to the new stage of study and life, according to the requirements of the Student Work Department (Office) of the Party Committee's "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Admission Education Work for the 2023 Undergraduates in Hefei Campus", the college has decided to carry out the "Computer Memory Farewell Warmth, Gratitude Helps Dream Voyage" series of educational activities. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

(2) Freshmen's parents express their entrustment to their children who are embarking on a new journey by writing letters:

1. The participating works take "A Letter to the Child" as the creative theme, guarantee originality, and must not plagiarize;

2. The title of the work is self-made, the word count requirement is more than 800 words, the theme is clear, the content is real, the language is fluent, and it has true feelings;

3. The format of the article is unified as: the title is bold and centered in Songti No. 2, the main text is Songti No. 4, the first line is indented by two characters, and the line spacing is single.

(3) Before leaving for school, take a family photo at home, in front of the school gate, and other places with commemorative significance to capture the happy moment:

1. The family photo needs to be taken under good lighting conditions, with the right angle and clear picture;

2. The ratio of a single picture is 4:3, the format is jpg, and the size is not less than 1 MB;

3. Each picture should have a title and a brief introduction of no less than 100 words.

(4) Read the "Letter to Freshmen" that will be pushed on the WeChat public account of Hefei University of Technology, and write a reply:

1. You can reply to the school, college, teacher or yourself, with no limit on the number of words, the theme is clear, the content is real, the language is fluent, and it has true feelings, and it fits the content of the "Letter to Freshmen";

2. The title is self-made, the format of the article is unified as: the title is bold and centered in Songti No. 2, the main text is Songti No. 4, the address is top-aligned, and the first line of the content is indented by two characters, and the line spacing is single.

V. Work Requirements

1. The student's letter work is named in the form of "Class-Student Number-Name-Title";

2. The parent's letter work is named in the form of "Class-(Child's Name) Dad/Mom-Title", such as "Computer Science and Technology 23-1 Class-Zhang San Dad-Title";

3. For the family photo work, the photo and introduction are placed in the compressed folder, and it is named in the form of "Class-Student Number-Name-Family Photo";

4. All works should be sent to the email jsjtxzz@126.com before 19:00 on September 10.

VI. Award Setting

1. A series of activities set up first, second, and third prizes according to the number of works, enter the "Cultural Activities" module of the second classroom transcript, and issue award certificates.

2. The college will push the collection of excellent works on platforms such as the college's official website and the college's WeChat public account.

                                          School of Computer Science and Information Engineering (School of Artificial Intelligence)

                                                                     August 28, 2023