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Notice on Carrying Out Volunteer Service Activities Outside the School for the Summer Vacation of 2023 by the School of Computer and Information

Release time:2023-07-10 clicks:

In order to study the spirit of the 20th, call and lead the majority of young college students in the School of Computer and Information to pay attention to the people's livelihood and the people's sentiments, establish the consciousness of loving the school and honoring the school, actively participate in various volunteer service activities, fully demonstrate the youthful style of our school's excellent students, and transmit positive energy to the hometown, the college has decided to carry out volunteer service activities outside the school for the summer vacation of 2023. The relevant notice requirements are as follows:

I. Registration Range:

All undergraduate students in the School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology.

II. Registration Conditions:

1. Love the school and the college, and have good conduct;

2. Have a spirit of dedication, willing to contribute labor, willing to exercise their own skills, and temper their temperament;

3. Have basic language expression ability and organizational ability, and can communicate and cooperate well with local organizations;

4. Be humble in attitude, gentle in character, and patient in work.

III. Activity Content

Students carry out various types of volunteer service activities in their communities, neighborhood committees, village committees and other grassroots units, including public services, community services, helping the weak and helping the poor, ecological civilization, rural revitalization and other major categories of volunteer service activities.

IV. Registration Method

Online registration. Registrants need to fill in Attachment 1: "Registration Form for Volunteer Service Activities Outside the School for the Summer Vacation of the School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology", and send it to the Pioneer Volunteer Center email: 2687721732@qq.com along with other materials after the volunteer activity ends (for details, refer to the submission materials section), and join the volunteer QQ contact group: 820933066 in time.

V. Time Arrangement

1. Registration deadline: September 8, 2023 (specific time will be notified in the QQ contact group);

2. Activity time: July 10, 2023 - September 8, 2023;

3. Time for submitting hard copy proof materials: September 20, 2023 (specific time will be notified in the QQ contact group).

VI. Incentive Measures

After returning to school, the college will enter the corresponding volunteer hours into the second classroom transcript - public service module according to the volunteer service materials submitted by individuals or teams.

Special Note:

1. The college will make a discretionary evaluation of the individual's declared volunteer hours based on the completeness of the materials submitted by the applicant and the content of the volunteer activities, and will enter the volunteer hours for various volunteer service activities up to 30 hours (according to the school's guiding documents);

2. The entry of volunteer hours is based on 1 hour as the minimum counting unit, and the daily recognition of student volunteer service hours generally does not exceed 8 hours;

3. The total duration of off-campus volunteer entry during the undergraduate stage does not exceed 60 hours. If the previous entry has reached 60 hours, it is impossible to enter the off-campus volunteer hours again.

VII. Relevant Proof Materials

1. Volunteer Activity Information Registration

Volunteers need to fill in the volunteer activity information collection form published in the group before 13:00 the day after the volunteer service activity. The content includes: the time period of the volunteer activity, the content of the activity, and two photos reflecting the individual's participation in the volunteer activity (the photos need to reflect the date information of the day).


(1) If the photos are not qualified, only 50% of the original volunteer time will be recorded;

(2) If photos are missing or the collection form is submitted late, the time will not be counted.

Photo submission requirements:

(1) At least two photos must be submitted, including photos of the start and end of the activity;

(2) The photos need to reflect the individual's volunteer activity situation. If the individual does not appear in the photo or the volunteer activity cannot be reflected, it will be considered unqualified;

(3) The photos need to reflect time information, such as adding a time watermark, etc.

2. Proof Materials

Submit the electronic version of the proof materials before the end of the holiday, Attachment 2: "Hefei University of Technology Student Personal Off-campus Volunteer Service Activity Recognition Form".

Note: If you have participated in volunteer activities of multiple volunteer service units, you need to submit an Attachment 2 for each volunteer service unit.

3. Volunteer Activity Summary Materials

During the volunteer service, you need to fill in the "Hefei University of Technology School of Computer and Information Volunteer Service Activity Summary Form" in detail about the situation of the day's volunteer service activity or personal insights, more than 300 words, and at the same time add two or more photos of the day's personal volunteer service activity (the photos need to be accompanied by the date information of the day, and the photo requirements are the same as the photo requirements in the collection form).

Attachment 3 can also submit relevant certificates, awards, screenshots of news reports, links, etc.

Note: Attachment 3: "Hefei University of Technology School of Computer and Information Volunteer Service Activity Summary Form" needs to be submitted one per day.

4. Material Submission

(1) Before the end of the holiday, send the electronic version of the materials to the Pioneer Volunteer Center email: 2687721732@qq.com. The deadline is September 8, 2023. The time and place for submitting the paper version of the materials will be notified in the QQ group.

(2) The materials to be submitted include:

Attachment 1: "Hefei University of Technology School of Computer and Information Summer Off-campus Volunteer Service Activity Registration Form"

Attachment 2: "Hefei University of Technology Student Personal Off-campus Volunteer Service Activity Recognition Form"

Attachment 3: "Hefei University of Technology School of Computer and Information Volunteer Service Activity Summary Form"


1) Among them, one copy of Attachment 1 is submitted, one copy of Attachment 2 is filled out for each volunteer service unit (if there is only one volunteer service unit, one copy can be submitted), and one copy of Attachment 3 is submitted per day.

2) The electronic version of the materials is packed into a compressed package, named: name-student number-volunteer service category;

VIII. Precautions

1. During volunteer service, enhance safety awareness, do a good job in heatstroke prevention, and prevent safety accidents from happening;

2. In volunteer service activities, abide by the law and discipline, always pay attention to maintaining the reputation of the school and the good image of college students;

3. Please submit relevant proof materials as required, on time and with quality;

4. Students who submit false materials will have no volunteer hours and will be prohibited from participating in volunteer service activities in the next semester;

5. The final interpretation right of volunteer hours entry belongs to the college.

Contact: Huang Ting, QQ: 3235968035

 Attachment 1:Hefei University of Technology, School of Computer and Information, Summer Volunteer Service Activity Registration Form.docx

 Attachment 2:Hefei University of Technology, Student Personal Off-campus Volunteer Service Activity Recognition Form.docx

 Attachment 3:Hefei University of Technology, School of Computer and Information, Volunteer Service Activity Summary Form.docx

School of Computer and Information (School of Artificial Intelligence)

July 10, 2023