

Academic Report Notice (Number: 2023-22)

Release time:2023-10-20 clicks:

Lecture Title: Equivalence and Duality of Polycyclic Codes Associated with Trinomials over Finite Fields

Lecturer: Professor Shi Minjia

Affiliation: Anhui University

Lecture Time: October 21, 2023 (Saturday) 14:30-18:00

Lecture Location: Room 1106, Science and Education Building A, Emerald Lake Campus

Lecture Abstract:

All of the conjectures in [Nuh Aydin et al., 2022] are settled: some proven correct, some proven correct with a modification, and some disproven, involving the equivalence and duality of polycyclic codes associated with trinomials. We also give methods to construct isodual and self-dual polycyclic codes, and study the self-orthogonal and dual-containing polycyclic codes over F2.

Lecturer's Biography:

Shi Minjia, Ph.D., Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice Dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences. She has been selected as one of the top 2% of global scientists on the "Annual Impact" list for three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022, and is the associate editor of the SCI journal JAMC. She has won the Anhui Provincial Natural Science First Prize and Second Prize, the Anhui Provincial Teaching Achievement First Prize and Third Prize, the Baogang Excellent Teacher Award from the Ministry of Education, the Anhui Provincial Teaching Master, and the Provincial Graduate Tutor Moral Model title. She has presided over 4 National Natural Science Foundation projects and multiple provincial and ministerial key projects such as Anhui Outstanding Youth. She has published 2 English academic monographs with Elsevier and World Scientific, and published a textbook on Modern Algebra with Science Press. She is the person in charge of the national first-class course "Modern Algebra". As the first author/corresponding author, she has published more than 120 SCI papers in authoritative journals such as IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, JCTA, and her research results have been included in the "World Concise Encyclopedia of Coding Theory" and ESI highly cited papers. She was selected for the second "Anhui Provincial Youth Mathematics Award", Anhui Outstanding Youth, Anhui Academic and Technical Leader, and the Top Talent Plan for University Disciplines (Specialties). She has been invited to visit Singapore, France, Russia, South Korea and other countries.