


发布时间:2011-11-09 浏览次数:

时 间:2011-11-11(星期五)上午9:00-10:30

地 点:逸夫楼1207会议室

报告人Patrick BRÉZILLON教授

单 位:法国皮埃尔-玛丽•居里大学(巴黎六大)

题 目A context-based modeling by Contextual Graphs for procedures and practices

摘 要

If the difference between a procedure and a practice is well known since a while under different calling, there is no real analysis of the reasons on which relies the differences. We will show that a practice results from a process of contextualization of the procedure taking into account the user, the task, the environment where the user accomplish the task and the situation in which this is made. We propose a conceptual framework for modeling and managing context and its implementation in a software called Contextual Graphs. Examples will allow to illustrate the different facets of this approach. As a result, we will discuss the insight on the problem procedure versus practice, thanks to this uniform representation of elements of reasoning and of contexts. The approach has been used in several real-world applications (subway, medicine, road safety).


Patrick BRÉZILLON教授,法国皮埃尔-玛丽•居里大学(巴黎六大)教授,巴黎六大学术委员会委员,巴黎六大校董事会成员,巴黎六大知识管理与创新主任。1983年获得巴黎六大物理科学博士学位。1987-1996年,供职于法国国家电力公司。1997年加入法国科学研究中心(CNRS)和巴黎六大共建的LIP6计算机科学实验室,并工作至今。1992年以来, Patrick BRÉZILLON教授致力于人工智能系统和普适计算领域的研究和应用,并深耕于“语境”(Context)建模和应用,先后在 IEEE Expert, AI Magazine, The Knowledge Engineering Review等顶级期刊杂志或国际会议上发表学术论文250余篇。研究成果已应用于巴黎地铁公司,法国国家电力公司等诸多行业。Patrick BRÉZILLON教授还是Context领域的一系列国际会议的创始人之一和组织者。教学方面,Patrick BRÉZILLON教授目前担任巴黎六大知识管理与创新主任,负责MC3硕士项目 (Specialisation: Knowledge, Content and Context Management),每年都有来自欧洲各地的25名优秀交换学生,师从Patrick BRÉZILLON教授攻读此硕士学位。Patrick BRÉZILLON教授的其他任职包括:巴黎六大企业合作事务委员会委员,巴黎六大科学与管理部委员,巴黎六大-法国科研中心LIP6实验室学术委员会委员,法国外交部亚洲和南美洲专家,加拿大魁北克省研究基金会外国专家,以色列科学基金会外籍专家等。

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