


发布时间:2014-12-23 浏览次数:

报告题目:Blind Interference Alignment with Diversity

报告人:Wei Zhang 教授(37岁IEEE Fellow)





Interference alignment has been recently studied as an effective tool to achieve degree of freedom (DoF) of wireless interference channels. DoF is also known as multiplexing gain or capacity pre-log scaling factor and provides a capacity approximation of wireless network in the high signal-to-noise ratio region. However, the interference alignment technique requires precoder design with the channel state information at transmitters (CSIT) so that the interferences can be aligned at receivers. Blind interference alignment can overcome the limitation of full CSIT by adopting pattern reconfigurable antennas at receivers. In this talk, the wireless interference channel is investigated from a different perspective and the diversity benefits of wireless interference channels are explored. A space-time coding approach is designed to achieve high diversity gain and high rate for MISO interference channels with reconfigurable receiver antennas. A family of diversity achieving techniques is proposed with blind interference alignment to accommodate various needs of diversity-rate tradeoff.


张伟教授于2005年获得香港中文大学(CUHK)电子工程系的博士学位,2006年-2007年在香港科技大学(HKUST)电子与计算机工程系从事博士后(Research Fellow)工作。2008年加入新南威尔士(UNSW)大学的电子工程与电信学院,现任Associate Professor(英制,与美制的教授平级)。

张教授目前的研究方向包括 Cognitive Radio(认知无线电)、Energy Harvesting Communications(能量收集通信)、MIMO (多天线系统)和 Multi-user Information Theory(网络信息论)。2007年获得 Globecom 最佳会议论文奖,2009年获得IEEE 通信协会的亚太区杰出青年学者奖(Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Research Award)。现任 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 编委,IEEE JSAC(Cognitive Radio 系列)编委。曾任ICC 2011 通信理论分会场的技术委员会副主席,ICCC 2013 无线通信分会场的技术委员会副主席,以及GlobalSIP 2014 认知无线电分会场的技术委员会主席。

基于张教授在认知无线电研究上的突出贡献,IEEE 于2014年11月晋升张教授为IEEE Fellow。2014年12月,张教授被任命为 IEEE 无线通信技术委员会的秘书长(Secretary of IEEE Wireless Communications Technical Committee)。

Email: w.zhang@unsw.edu.au

Web: http://www2.ee.unsw.edu.au/~wzhang/


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